MilGPS iPhone Navigation app

MilGPS iPhone app
Yep, I'm gadget girl. I love electronics and especially those that help me get gone! 
I found a very cool app that I've used a few times on search and rescue missions. I've also used it to navigate to trailheads, peaks or tracking back to our car. It instantly gives me UTM and lat/long coordinates. 
When we leave for an adventure, I typically set a waypoint for our car or our camp so that it's easy to navigate back to. When you set it to navigate back to a point, a compass comes up. It gives you a distance and a heading and the arrow guides you to it. 
There are lots of options for the map view. This one is showing a waypoint overlay of a waypoint I had entered previously. You can show the UTM grid or not. Lots of things to play around with. 
Menus are easy to navigate and the user experience seems very straight forward and easy to understand. I have yet to have to read instructions on how to use it. 
I'm sure there is more to discover with this app, but I'm loving it so far! 
It's very cool! At the time when I purchased it, it was $3.99 from the iTunes store. Totally worth it in my book!! 
